Incorrect face data zbrush

incorrect face data zbrush

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Scan Character Tutorial - ZBrush Face Tools - Part 1 - Raw Scan Data Convert to CC Base
Hello. I am a beginner, still learning how to properly use Blender, Substance Painter and Zbrush. I have the GoZ Export/Import enabled. zBrush. IMPORT ERROR Face(s) with more than 4 points detected. Operation canceled. Error encountered while importing a file. Happy Deving. weird face shape with no geometry. I've never had this problem before. It started when I imported a bunch of meshes from ZBrush. I began.
Comment on: Incorrect face data zbrush
  • incorrect face data zbrush
    account_circle Mabei
    calendar_month 21.06.2023
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    account_circle Gozil
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I don't know how you made the normals smooth in the first place there are at least thee different ways to do it it Blender so I can't give you a detailed explanation. I ended up rebuilding the objects. Posted November 12, edited. I already posted this short youtube video in another thread but it is, at least in my opinion, information that bears repeating