Geforce gtx 680mx zbrush

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Minimum System specs for #ZBrush
NVIDIA GeForce GTX MX MB. Is this just not enough for sculpting? Or And yes, unfortunately, blender is not very good with high amount of geometry. This is my first Lua script -- the tough part was figuring out how to get the attribute values of the Octane nodes. When you pass a string value. I'm on , running an i7 , 12GB of ram, and a GTX GB in a windows 7 64bit environment where performance in modo is comparable to.
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Also consider getting a SSD to seed up some of the Rendering and video effect tasks. What's new. Fans not running would lead to overheating, it does on a car. And yes, unfortunately, blender is not very good with high amount of geometry, ZBrush handle it better.